Hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and got plenty of stuff from the fat man! Christmas isn't all about the presents you know... there's the decorations and the food too =)
I got some great gifts, which I plan to share with you over the next few days but first I thought I'd upload some pictures of the festiveness in our house plus some stuff I bought in Thailand to decorate my room with.

So this is my bedroom complete with a brand new bed my parents bought when I was away. I bought the throw and matching pillow cases in Chaing Mai, Thailand from the Night Bazar. I had seen them in Cambodia but the throws were $60 dollars which was far too much to spend, however I managed to haggle this throw and pillow cases down to less than $40 in Northern Thailand which was a pretty good bargain. They literally took up half my rucksack for the remainder of the trip but I'm so glad I purchased them because they make me room feel so warm and cosy plus they are handmade so I'm supporting the local trades people.

The fan is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I'd seen similar in Hong Kong but didn't want to carry it around for 2.5months so I was lucky to find this on the day I travelled home! I still need to put a pin in the wall so I can hang it up properly. Above it you can see my advent calender consisting of felt pouches plus some Christmas cards I've hung. I wrapped fairy lights around my bed too to add even more festiveness to my room plus they're the sort of thing you can leave up all year round.
Hanging on the left is what I like to call my 'Christmas jumper/dress'! It has a massive sequin cat on the front and is really festive hence the name. I wore it to work on boxing this year and definitely put the customers in a festive mood (I think)!
Check out the mega cool poster of the skeletal system hanging up behind the fan too! I am suck a geek!
Dress from H&M
Velvet hair band bow from ASOS
So here's me on Christmas day wearing a new dress and hairband with our lovely tree (and presents) in the background. I actually decorated the tree for the first time ever since I'm not usually at home when it normally get's decorated. However my little sister insisted on re-doing the Christmas decorations since I had apparently made such a shoddy job of it all!
I got a fair amount of clothes plus some money and other terrific bits and bobs from everyone. The boy got me some great cook books including the new Jamie Olive and plenty of DVDs and the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack.

Stocking by the fireplace full of presents like chocolate, socks and oranges. The boy is staying for Christmas so his stocking is in there too, plus the parents. Mine is one of the white ones covered in holly.

We went for a Christmas walk down by the Thames and on the way back home we stumbled across this massive mound of snow in Putney common so the boy took some photos of the family =) I'm wearing my new H&M faux fur leopard coat and bunny hat from River Island. I had a really cold bum from sitting on the snow!!!

After watching Harry Potter 7.1 and a disappointing Christmas episode of Doctor Who we finally sat down for a delicious dinner. We enjoyed turnkey, ham and plenty of vegetables plus the all important terrible crackers!! This was definitely was one of my more enjoyable Christmas' and I'll be sad to see all the decorations come down in January.

I took this photo today after we got back from a little sale shopping. I'm wearing an old tee and my new leopard cardigan, coat and hat. I also have my leopard leggings and Ugg boots on! I assure you I didn't actually go out dress liked this, it was just to make everyone laugh, which certainly worked. Off to watch Shutter Island now (present from me to Dad) and then cook some dinner. I'm doing a Thai green curry that I learnt how to make on a cooking course in Chaing Mai.
Stay merry x
ReplyDeletewe are too similar mrs!
hope you had a lovely trip,
glad to have you back,
I've missed your comments!
I must say, this boy of yours sounds like a thoroughly charming fellow.
ReplyDeleteGood on him for being so brilliant.
Dom, you are hilarious!!!!