Was rocking a serious case of the colour blocking trend the other day. I just love clashing colours and there's nothing better than pink, orange and red! With summer is full bloom (or so it seems) it's the perfect excuse to wear summery bright clothing whilst enjoying a Hummingbird Bakery black bottom cupcake =)
Everything from H&M
Pretty ridiculous photos eh? I guess the sun brings out the craziness in me but FYI that cupcake was delicious so you can't blame my scoffy face! My friend T gave me this ring bless her. I'd seen her wearing it but could never find it in H&M so she decided to give me her one which was very sweet of her. I'm actually going back to visit her in Leamington Spa again in the middle of May and I can't wait.
In other news I bought a couple pairs of clogs from the
Swedish Hasbeens x H&M collection including this mega cute red pair. HOWEVER, last night I discovered that they were actually falling apart and since I'd only put them on to take these photos I was not best impressed. Today I got up bright and earlier to mission it back to H&M where I was lucky enough to find the last size 7 pair and get them replaced, phew! I'll also show you the other pair I picked up in the next day or so but if you're too impatient you can check them out on my

I'm off work till Tuesday now which is very exciting because I just love a long weekend. I've got plenty of running to get on with in preparation for my up coming
5K and I'm going to some crazy noise gig in Camden tonight after a Nandos dinner. Apart from that I'm not really sure what else I'll get up to but I'm definitely going to make the most of these few days off and not just waste them pottering about at home. Maybe have a BBQ and watch the new episode of
Doctor Who tomorrow!
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