Eye make up from MAC
Lashes from Paperself
Lipstick: Enthusiast by Chanel
One of the few benefits of having a press pass at London Fashion Week, a side from the arm chairs and Vitamin Water fridge, is free access to the MAC make over bar and Toni and Guy salon. Last season I was fortunate enough to get my hair styled at the salon and this year I was finally able to book myself in for a mini make over. I choose to go for a smoky eye effect, a style I love but I'm not able to create myself well. Not only did the make up artist do a terrific job but afterwards I was gifted with a very generous goodie bag. After the make over I wandered around the fashion week exhibition and stumbled across the eyelash counter Paperself. The lovely folk fitted me with these gorgeous peonies lashes which I was reluctant to take off at the end of the night. I've never worn falsies before so I definitely want to pick up my own now.
How to do you like dark eye make up x
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